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At Myrtle Makena, LLC, we help the people and the organizations that are helping our world.


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At Myrtle Makena, LLC, we help the people and the organizations that are helping our world.

Tyler Gellasch

Tyler Gellasch

At Myrtle Makena, we are committed to public service. We help the people and organizations that are trying to help their neighborhoods, our society, and the world in which we live.

With decades of experience in government, non-profits, offering legal counsel, and consulting services, we’re used to helping organizations build the team, prepare, work hard, and achieve their objectives.

Addressing our greatest challenges, from climate change, to achieving racial justice, to addressing the wide and growing gap between our society’s haves and have nots, will require all hands on deck—from the public sector to the private. And where those two sectors meet is where we can help the most.

Sometimes, we help with policy development. Sometimes, we help with coalition building. Other times, it is financial development and strategic planning. We know the people and the organizations who are addressing our countries greatest problems, and we’ll do what we can to help them.